9 Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog on Social Media

By Guest Author | blogging | August 16, 2022

Are you spending valuable time writing quality content for your blog? Do you get all the benefits from your content marketing? If not, you may not be effectively marketing your content. 


Unlike business websites, promoting your blog through paid advertising doesn’t make much sense. But what other options do you have? Of course, 

SEO and social media marketing

I talked about blog SEO  in my last post, so today I’ll shed some light on how to promote your blog on social media. 

Conduct a poll of webmasters, marketers, or bloggers about what it means to promote your blog on social media. The majority would say that it means sharing a blog on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google profiles or pages. But in reality, this is not even half the battle. So if you’re an ambitious type of person and want to go beyond the popular social networking sites in the name of “marketing blogs on social media,” some really effective ways to get your blog into a can. It is advisable to read the tips to shine on social media. Below 

are some ways to prepare blog content for sharing on social networks and some unique social platforms (other than mundane Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) where you can share blog posts. Growing your audience on social media is easy with Somiibo’s free instagram automation app.

Attractive / convenient / shocking content 

This tip has nothing to do with social media marketing, but it’s an important first step to the success of all the other steps listed here today. 

Social media viewers want the content they share to look cool and sophisticated. In other words, it’s not just about sharing content. 

Therefore, the content you create must be attractive, useful, and contain unique information that you cannot find anywhere else. Even if the content is elsewhere on the web, the way it is presented should be sufficiently intriguing to readers familiar with social media. 

Apart from the blog post’s content, readers are drawn to attractive titles and images. Let’s take a quick look at these two aspects of content creation.

Integrate social media into your blog 

Integrating social media into your blog means bridging the gap between popular social media sites and content. People who visit your blog need an easy way to connect to your blog and share your blog content through social media built into your website. 

These integrations help readers join the blog with social media buttons (like Facebook, follow Twitter), share buttons to help readers share content, and help readers comment on blogs. You can sign up for social media. Here are some simple tips for adding a social media sharing button to your post. 

Some blogs have gone too far and offer 7 or 8 social media buttons. Make sure your social media site (other than traditional Twitter and Facebook) has enough audience to fit the button. 

The crowded social media sharing button can turn off readers, which affects the number of social sharing. Also, adding unwanted social media widgets can slow down your page. 

Share your blog across your social media profiles 

If your readers do not visit your site, please do so instead. Share your blog post on as many social media sites as possible. It’s not rocket science, so you’re probably already doing this. But doing certain things right will help your efforts: 


Share your posts on a regular basis. Share everything once a week and don’t make a no-show the next week. Scheduling tools such as Hootsuite and Sprout Social can be used to ensure consistency when sharing content on social media sites. 

For more information on these tools, see one of our previous posts, Social Media Management Tools for Small Businesses.

Automation with WordPress 

If you own a WordPress blog, you can automatically use the Publish plugin to send newly published posts to your social media pages. 

Optimal booking time 

If you’re posting a post update on Twitter, use the Tweroid tool to find the best time to post. This is one of the most useful and free Twitter marketing tools. Use our unique analysis tool, Facebook Insights, to find out the best posting times for Facebook. 

If you need a scheduling tool that provides optimal Twitter user activity time, you can use the integrated Buffer-Followerwonk-Duo to make posting social media to Twitter easier and more productive. 

Visual appeal of post updates 

If you’re sharing a blog post on Facebook, LinkedIn, or a Google page, write a message in your own words on top of the post to get users to read it. Always remember to share your photos with your posts, as most platforms (including LinkedIn and Google) will automatically display thumbnails for your posts.


Posts blog updates from one social media platform to another. 

For example, suppose you share a post on Facebook and the post contains nice graphics and sometimes citations. You can share a link to the location where this image was stored on Pinterest (if your blog contains many graphic elements, you’ll need to have a Pinterest account). This will allow Facebook followers who also have a Pinterest account to pin the image. 

Complete post update 

Unlike other social media platforms that only allow a few characters of text for updates, some social media platforms such as Google and Tumblr can actually display the entire blog post. You can provide a link to the original blog post URL at the bottom of the post. This will result in high-quality social media traffic. 

In fact, the public plugin mentioned above also helps you publish your blog post on Tumblr. However, the teaser is shared, not the entire post.  The advantage of copying the entire post to your Tumblr profile is that Tumblr users can read the post without being redirected to the site. In this case,  you can use the link from the high PR (PR 6) site without receiving traffic from Tumblr.

However, with Google +, this particular social platform is Google’s own product, so it has the great advantage of being present. Full Google posts are often found for the right keywords on the first page of Google search results. 

Build relationships with other bloggers 

It’s common sense to know other bloggers in your niche, but what can you do with that information to promote your own blog? Here are some simple tips on how to harness the influence of other bloggers’ social media on your blog. 

Read and share 

Read and share posts from other bloggers, comment via Twitter, and rate or approve the shared information. Be sure to @mention to the blogger’s Twitter handle. You can also post a comment on the posting page, so bloggers can quickly see who is commenting. 

If your Twitter biography contains a blog URL (there’s no reason you shouldn’t use it), bloggers will definitely check out your blog and retaliate in a similar way. 

List experts 

Create the top 10 bloggers in your (your niche) post and link to them. They definitely link and post to various social media accounts. 

This method can also be used by niche professionals who do not have a blog. Mentioning can encourage you to share your post on various social media profiles.